Tathione Cap Korea...New Look....with Capsules
Price :
500tab IDR 825.000,
180tabIDR 350.000,
60tab IDR 180.000,
30tab IDR 120.000,
delivered to other country by PT POS INDONESIA ( EMS )
The human body is under oxidative stress from a variety of sources at all times. To combat this stress and damage the body utilizes anti-oxidants of all different varieties. Glutathione (GSH) is a very special peptide molecule that provides the greatest anti-oxidant protection and recharges other anti-oxidants within the body.
Every cell in the body produces glutathione. Many longevity scientists believe that the level of glutathione in our cells is predicative of how long we will live. This is logical considering the wealth of essential bodily processes that glutathione plays a critical role in.
Glutathione has been coined with the term "master anti-oxidant" due to its essential role in maintaining exogenous anti-oxidants such as vitamin C & E in their active form. Glutathione is like the cell's security guard protecting the genetic equipment from outside attack. It is estimated that each cell in the body withstands 10,000 hits by free radicals each day. Glutathione disarms these free radicals before they wreak havoc and cleans up the oxidative stress related damage that has occurred.
Glutathione plays a significant role in immune function. Studies have shown that glutathione strengthens T cells, which are critical for modulating the immune system appropriately. These are the cells that coordinate the attack against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, etc. while keeping tissue damage and auto-immune responses in check. An overactive immune system can trigger allergies and auto-immune disease processes.
Glutathione fights against cellular toxins and works to eliminate carcinogens from the intracellular environment while healing damaged cells. Glutathione is constantly in action protecting the body against disease, toxins, viruses, pollutants, radiation, drugs and oxidative stress. When damage does occur, it immediately goes to work repairing the free radical damage.
If sufficient glutathione is not available, the toxins will overload the liver and lead to fat soluble toxins being stored in fatty tissues. The central nervous system, breasts, & prostate are the most susceptible areas.
Many researchers credit the increase in neurological disease and cancer to depleted cellular glutathione. The brain produces more free radicals than any other tissue and is therefore in need of more glutathione than any other region.
Levels of glutathione begin to decline with aging as the majority of individuals in our society become more toxic and deficient. Additionally, our society has more environmental toxicity than ever before, so there is a significant need for more glutathione production. Unfortunately, our modern world diets are void of the necessary precursors for this critical agent.
Scientists estimate that the average person by age 20 loses glutathione at 8-12% per decade. Increased health challenges from infection, poor diet, increased toxic load, medication usage, etc. can deplete these stores at a much faster rate. Scientists estimate that a 30% reduction of glutathione is enough for cellular dysfunction to occur.
Studies have shown that adequate vitamin D is necessary for optimal glutathione production. The vast majority of our society is extremely deficient in vitamin D. Optimal vitamin D levels should be between 60-100 ng/ml.
Glutathione precursors such as glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine should naturally be consumed through our diet. The best vegetable sources include avocados, onions, garlic, turmeric, spinach and cruciferous veggies. Unfortunately, vegetable sources are still very low in these critical amino acids.
Good food sources are through high quality, non-denatured animal products. These include bioactive non-denatured grass-fed whey protein, cultured, raw grass-fed dairy products and raw, organic eggs. These cultured, raw grass-fed dairy products are an incredibly good source of highly bioavailable amino acids and offer more cysteine than any other food source.
Tathion merupakan suplemen pemutih tubuh dan detoxifikasi tubuh. Tathion ini berasal dari Korea dan sangat terkenal untuk memutihkan tubuh secara keseluruhan. Tathion sangat disarankan oleh pakar/dokter kulit/kecantikan, digunakan para artis dan pejabat untuk mencerahkan kulit dari dalam. Tathione merupakan suplemen pemutih tubuh seperti kyusoku bihaku, amino collagen dan lain-lain. Anda akan melihat perubahan mencolok pada warna kulit anda. Kulit menjadi lebih putih merata dan bercahaya (dalam satu bulan pemakaian secara teratur). Bisa digunakan untuk pria maupun wanita.
Fungsi TATHION dalam tubuh :
Membuat kulit anda putih, halus dan merona untuk jangka waktu yg panjang (selamat tinggal kulit gelap dan kusam ).
Menghilang kan bintik² hitam bekas jerawat & mencegah nya kembali.
Bibir dan puting yg hitam akan menjadi merah muda karena pigmen gelap akan berkurang.
Memutihkan ketiak yg hitam , selangkangan , lipetan² lain pada tubuh yg hitam.
Tanda² penuaan pada kulit akan memudar (kembali awet muda).
Menetralisir racun dari asap rokok, polusi, dll.
Apabila anda mempunyai penyakit DIABETES, maka TATHIONE baik untuk kesehatan anda karena dapat mengontrol kadar gula dalam tubuh anda dan mengurangi kadar gula darah anda.
Mengatasi keluhan sperma rendah (sangat baik untuk pria).
Membantu menyuburkan rahim.
Menyehatkan liver (detoxifikasi liver).
Mengecilkan pori-pori kulit.
Memudarkan stretchmark setelah melahirkan.
Mengurangi dan mencegah rambut rontok (dalam 2 bulan pemakaian).
Macam-macam Antioxidant :
Vitamin E mempunyai 3 ekstra elektron untuk dibagi
Vitamin C mempunyai 5 ekstra elektronuntuk dibagi
OPCs mempunyai 250 ekstra elektron untuk dibagi
Glutathione mempunyai 1 juta ekstra elektron untuk dibagi. Glutathione adalah Raja dari segala antioxidan.
Cara Pemakaian :
* 2x sehari pagi & malam sesudah makan
* Sangat dianjurkan mengkonsumsi vitamin C / Esther C 1000 mg per hari utk hasil yg lebih maksimal
Keuntungan yang anda dapatkan dengan mengkonsumsi tathion adalah:
-Mengurangi bintik-bintik gelap & melasmA
-Memperlambat penuaan kulit
-Terlihat lebih muda
-Mengurangi pembentukan melanin ( lebih adil)
-Memutihkan dan mencerahkan bagian kulit yang gelap ( Bawah ketiak, sikut, flek hitam dan bagian tubuh lainnya)
-Mengurangi kelebihan pigmentasi, seperti tanda bekas luka, bintik-bintik
-Lebih sehat
-Mencegah sakit jantung, katarak, liver, kemandulan, parkinson dan lainnya
-Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan menjaga kesehatan dari perusakan radikal bebas
-Menghilangkan jerawat
-Mengurangi pori-pori di wajah
-Unggul antioksidan
-Agen penyembuhan yang paling penting
-Reactivates vitamin C & E
Efek whitening biasanya dicapai dalam waktu sekitar 3-4 minggu dengan dosis yang benar
* Racun
* Stress
* Sinar UV yang berbahaya
* Konsumsi alkohol berlebihan
* Polusi
* Penuaan
* Keletihan yang berlebihan
* Merokok
* Kulit yang kusam
* Katarak
* Pigmentasi kulit ( bintik-bintik, melasma, dll)
* Degenerasi otot
* Psorias
* Alzheimer
* Jerawat
* Parkinson
* Alregi kulit
* Blemish
* Sperma rendah ( Low Sperm Count)
* Liver Disease
* Diabetes
* Liver Sirosis
* Tekanan darah / tinggi
* Penyakit Paru-paru
* Hepatitis A & B
* Maag, dl
Helo kami dari Brunei, kalau BN$ kapsul tathion 500tablet berapa?
BalasHapusdiscount for this month IDR 850.000 ==>> 775.000
BalasHapusdalam BN $105.89, mau Kak?
kalau 180 tablet berapa? pos free or pay?
BalasHapus180caps IDR 350000 dalam BN$ 47.82, POS tetap pay Kak
Hapus0-500 grams IDR 65000 dalam BN$ 8.88
501-1000 kilograms IDR 110000 dalam BN$ 15.03
ook...sory banyak tanya, kalau yang 30 tablet berapa kira2nya?